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Relaxagent Stress Formula
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TITLE>Relaxagent Stress Formula For Stress, Nervousness and Insomnia. CONTAINS: Valeriana officinalis 3x (Valerian root, plant) nervous afflictions, hysteria, sleeplessness. Chamomilla 6x (German camomile, plant) restlessness, irritability, impatience. Sepia 6x (Ink of cuttlefish, animal) anxiety toward evening, irritability, great sad ness. Cimicifuga racemosa 6x (Black cohosh, plant) sleeplessness, great depression, with dreams of impending evil, agitation and pain. Silicea 6x (Silica, mineral) anxiety, nervousness and excitability, sleeplessness. Hyoscyamus niger 12x (Henbane, plant) nervous agitation, delirium, intense sleeplessness. Arsenicurn album 12x (Arsenious acid, mineral) treats great anguish and restlessness, great fear, sleep disturbed, anxiety and restlessness. Rhus toxicodendron 12x (Poison Ivy, plant) extreme restlessness, with continued change of position, great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed. NOTE: RELAXAGENT DOES NOT CAUSE DROWSINESS DURING ACITVE HOURS. FOR INSOMNIA, RELAXAGENT MUST BE TAKEN LYING DOWN. 100 Pills.